Faudery Faceballa & V'lan above Mont Riond

Faudery Faceballa & V'lan above Mont Riond

From left or South and to the right or North: the Southern watershed of V'lan with the three Teste di Faudery (partially occulted to the left, 3.310m), four Punte di Faceballa (about 3.315 meters the highest) just preceding the Col de Faceballa (3239m) and the large Faceballa's Saddle (about 3280 meters).

More in high and from West: partial altitudes of Mont Velan (3.734m) with its Quota 3650 meters (the first in high to the extreme left and at the end of Southern Ridge), Quota 3672 meters (behind in high); to the right or East: the two small Mini and Broken Horns,the three Horns (3620m, the highest), five Toots (3595m, the tallest) and with just detached to the East the Little Velan's Tooth (about 3530/35 metres) , up the Testa d'Ariondet also Testa de Riondet (these last two by now completely in the shadow; 3.485 meters Kurz's Map) on the South-southeast border (Italy/Switzerland) watershed.

Low and largely sunny: the Monte Rotondo or Mont Rion also Mont Riond (Rounded Mountain; 2572m).

September 29th, 2019. Foto by Osvaldo Cardellina
on Nov 8, 2019 12:25 am