I Sail Towards The Liquid Roar!
"Passing through the everglades --
I look across the glistening lake,
Through reeds and flowers and frogs at play:
I see atop the green array:
A waterfall so magical!
I climb aboard the mystic ship,
And cast the line away from shore.
I sail towards the liquid roar ..."
Nektar (with Larry Fast) - 1977
This section of the Rio Verde has a long geologic history.
This is the only genuine white water run on the Verde River.
Some rate it one of the best small desert rivers in the Southwest!!
However, variable flows make its season extremely unpredictable.
On good snow years, the high water season can last from late February
to mid-April. Other years may provide no high water boating at all.
Recently, the use of plastic canoes and small inflatable boats has extended
the river running season on this section to include all but the driest times.
Endangered southern bald eagles are frequently seen; also look for rare
river otters (reintroduced here in the early 1980s).
September 28, 2008