Kaerntner Storschitz/Pristovski Storzic

Kaerntner Storschitz/Pristovski Storzic

Page Type Page Type: Mountain/Rock
Location Lat/Lon: 46.43040°N / 14.52599°E
Activities Activities: Hiking
Seasons Season: Spring, Summer, Fall
Additional Information Elevation: 5771 ft / 1759 m
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Kärntner Storschitz, 1.759m
Summit cross

Kaerntner Storschitz/Pristovski Storzic is a 1.759m high mountain in the Karawanken region, Eastern Alps. It is in the community of Eisenkappel-Vellach/Zelezna Kapla-Bela (555m high), on the border to Slovenia. There are several ways to the summit.


Kärntner Storschitz, 1.759m

The shortest approach comes to the summit from the saddle ‘Seebergsattel/Jezerski Vrh’ at 1.218m. On the Austrian side we first follow a good forrest road (some 300m), then the marked path goes over an alpine meadow and through the forrest, until it becomes steep and exposed (‘Krainersteig’ which is a Via Ferrata of the easiest type A). Here the route is secured with pegs and steel ropes. Through a short ravine we climb to the notch in the south ridge and on the other side proceed by western slopes. Through pine bushes the path reaches the open summit ridge and the summit itself. 1h 45min. Much longer are approaches from the north and west (Troegern/Korte). There are also ways from farms below the Seebergsattel (saddle).

From the top you have a wonderful view to the Steiner/Kamnik Alps, Karawanken, Triglav Group, Lavantaler Alps and also Tauern Group.
You can make a round tour if you go down in north direction through mountain pine (Pinus mugo) to Kepp, 1.633m. There you go right to Pasterksattel (saddle), 1.401m and back to Seebergsattel. It takes about 2 hours back.

(by vid and flow)




Kärntner Storschitz, 1.759mKoschuta


Kaerntner Storschitz, 1.759mView to Storzic, 2.132m

Getting There

By Public transport: there are buses from Klagenfurt (regional capital of the district of Carinthia) and Völkermarkt to Eisenkappel, although not very frequent.
By car: from Slovenia, Croatia take exit Kranj on the highway Ljubljana-Klagenfurt and follow Jezersko/A signs up to the Seebergsattel (saddle). From Germany and Switzerland take exit Grafenstein on Highway A10,A2 and follow the Seebergsattel/Bad Eisenkappel signs. From Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary take the exit Völkermarkt Ost on the highway A2 and follow the Seebergsattel/Bad Eisenkappel signs.

Other summits nearby

Ojstra, 1.577m
Topica, 1.649m
Uschowa, 1.929m
Feistritzer Spitze (Petzen), 2.113m
Koschutnik Turm, 2.136m
Hochobir, 2.139m
Steiner Alps

Kärntner Storschitz, 1.759m


Kaerntner Storschitz / Pristovški Storžič from the SW
Kaerntner Storschitz / Pristovški Storžič from the SW

WK 65 Klopeiner See, Karawanken Ost, Steiner Alpen
ISBN: 3854910738
Scale: 1:50.000

Freytag & Berndt
WK 238 Jauntal-Klopeiner See-Voelkermarkt-Bleiburg-Steiner Alpen
ISBN: 3707906035
Scale: 1:50.000

External Links

Bad Eisenkappel

Weather conditions

Bad Eisenkappel weather



Children refers to the set of objects that logically fall under a given object. For example, the Aconcagua mountain page is a child of the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits.' The Aconcagua mountain itself has many routes, photos, and trip reports as children.