Monte Turuddo via Janna Nurai

Monte Turuddo via Janna Nurai

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 40.46360°N / 9.52340°E
Additional Information Route Type: Hike and Scramble
Additional Information Time Required: Half a day
Additional Information Difficulty: Walk-Up
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From Lula take SP3 east (direction Passo Santa Anna). 6km after the town on the right hand side a dirt road turns off. Park the car at this trailhead.

Route Description

Monte Turuddo photo_id=92806

Altitude difference: 580m
Duration: 4h
Difficulity: Hike and trailless scramble - you'll need a good sense for orientation
Trailhead: At SP 3 between Lula and Passo Santa Anna

This route follows a dirt road below the west face of Punta Catirina. Together with the views towards Monte Turuddo this makes for pure enjoyment. But once in the pass all trails stop and you'll have to scramble the remaining 600m trail less to the summit. There are lots of hidden gullies so that you'll really need a good sense for orientation - even though you have the summit in front of your eyes most of the time.

Follow the dirt road, which leads south(west) from road SP3. It first runs along meadows below the west face of Punta Catirina and heads towards Monte Turuddo. At an intersection take the left hand road which heads in the direction of Janna Nurai, the saddle between Monte Turuddo and Punta Catirina. Here you'll see quite some bizarre limestone rocks with (new!!) bolts to do some bouldering. From the pass turn right and head trail less towards Monte Turuddo. Use the open spaces and don't even think to go through the macchia undergrowth. Though you might be in for a hard scramble along the rocks you'll lose more strength when heading through the bushes.

Head towards the southern side of the summit and do the final ascent over a large plateau that slowly flattens as you get nearer and nearer to the summit. Enjoy the views down toward Lula, towards Monte Albo and towards Supramonte.

Essential Gear

Normal hiking gear is sufficient. Thick soles are mandatory. For orientation think of bringing a GPS receiver if you have one.



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