Myburgh's Waterfall Ravine

Myburgh's Waterfall Ravine

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 34.00557°S / 18.36897°E
Additional Information Route Type: Hike
Additional Information Time Required: Half a day
Additional Information Difficulty: walk-up witch some scrambling
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Start At Suikerbossie next to Llandudno. Parking is available next to the restaurant.

Route Description

At the end of the parking lot there is a big unfriendly fence - follow it up until it ends in about 100 metres, where you'll fing the contour path. Turn right, and contour around for about an hour. This section is full of scratchy bushes, so wear high socks or long pants if you dodn't want your legs to bleed profusely. The path crosses a wooded ravine, then a small gorge, and finally the densely wooded Myburgh's Waterfall Ravine.
This is where you turn left and start the real acent. Follow the sound of gushing water to make your way to Myburgh's Waterfall. About 50m from the base of the falls the path goes up to the left. Some scrambling is required here. Follow the steadily climbing path into an impressive canyon-like gorge. Here the path disappears and you must find your own way over the boulders, or up the flowing river. Look out for disas if you're doing the walk in Summer. Once after the gorge keep following the river, keeping an eye for a faint path to the left. This makes its way up the plateau and joins the Apostles Traverse between Judas Peak and Grootkop. From here you can turn left and take Llandudno Ravine back to Suikerbossie, or go right and go towards Maclear's Beacon (top of TM) and take any other route down.
Llandudno Ravine is very steep, but the path is clear. If you come to a cliff, as you will a few times, look around and you'll see which way to go. The path starts more or less straight down, before doing a very large zig-zag right and then turning back towards Suikerbossie.
If you decide to summit Judas Peak (10 minutes from the traverse on a clear path) be careful - on top there are loose rocks and landings are sub-optimal.

Essential Gear

As any other TM hike, a hat, suntan lotion and a raincoat are essential. There is always water in Myburgh's Ravine, and Llandudno Ravine crosses a perenial stream halfway down. This is a hike, no climbing gear will be required.

Miscellaneous Info

If you have information about this route that doesn't pertain to any of the other sections, please add it here.



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