Normal route

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 50.53438°N / 115.21431°W
Additional Information Route Type: Hike Scramble
Additional Information Time Required: Half a day
Additional Information Difficulty: Walk-up
Sign the Climber's Log


The trailhead is in the parking lot of the Uppper Kananaskis Lake. Follow the trail along the edge of the lake. near the far end the trail will head up to the left to Hidden Lake (sometime empty). Then follow the trail around this lake to the left and then up through the trees to the loose scree slope at the end. Go past fossil falls to Aster Lake. (3-5 hour to here) Camp here. From the end of the lake (camp) head west then south around the NNW spur of Mt. Marlborough cross the moraine to reach the glacier. Cross the glacier to the base of the ridge. Follow the ridge south up the ridge that connects the two peaks (Cordonnier and Warrior) to the summit. Excellent views into BC and all around. Note the other side (West) drops straight off. A good day combined with Warrior from a base at Aster Lake.

Route Description

Above Lake Aster mostly a ridge walk on loose scree with a brief glacier crossing. Some exposure.
The hike in is on a good trail with one scree slope before Aster Lake.
This is a half day based on camping at Aster Lake. A full day combined with Warrior.

Essential Gear

To cross the glacier you should bring crampons and an ice axe. You can scramble around and avoid the glacier completely. But it is quicker and more direct to cross the glacier.
Good boots that will take crampons
Wind shell
Fleese jacket
Wind pants
Ice Axe
A water tight bag for your food to place in Aster lake is a good idea. Bears are a problem often here.

Miscellaneous Info

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