Olancha Peak Climber's Log

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Rockawilliam - Jun 14, 2024 6:22 pm Date Climbed: Jun 11, 2024

Sage Flat   Sucess!

Easy climb, except for the 6500ft gain and the heat. Camped on the summit after a fill up of water at 9670ft. Plenty of tent sites and lots of moths buzzing around after sunset. Great way to start the climbing season.


ChuckO - Jun 4, 2024 12:30 pm Date Climbed: Aug 1, 2023

Keeping up with the young crew!  Sucess!

Awesome Emblem Peak experience! :-) Climbed with the young crew - between 20 and 40 years YOUNGER than me, who all live at 5,500' elevation - 5,200' HIGHER than I live.

But, I kept up! ... not bad for an old lives-at-sea-level guy.

Climb on!


IronHiker - Jul 8, 2022 10:53 am Date Climbed: Jun 16, 2022

Day hike  Sucess!

Gorgeous hike. Went up the cow driveway, down the trail. Met a dozen thru hikers on the PCT, but no one on the other trails and no one else was on the summit. The scramble was not as hard as it looked from afar. Had really clear views of Langley and Whitney.



BobD3 - Oct 28, 2019 5:02 pm Date Climbed: Aug 2, 2009

1st time above 12,000 ft.  Sucess!

First major summit climb in the Sierra. First SPS summit.
The foxtail pines at the upper elevations were stunning. The summit views were incredible.

davidmfreeland - Jul 4, 2019 12:31 am Date Climbed: Jun 29, 2019

Olancha Peak  Sucess!

Summit over a 3 day / 2 night trip, pack weight 34lbs hammock camping

Depart from trailhead 2.15pm
Difficult but not overly onerous to Olancha Pass, 5.1 miles
More pleasant walk along Summit Meadow to a makseshift campsite with fire ring adjacent to corral at the north end of the meadow by a small stream
Arrive at camp 6.25pm at 9,200'
Total for the day 6.4 miles 3,400' ascent

Depart camp 8.15am with full packs
Hiked 5 miles dropped bags at 11.30am and began ascent
Attempted a more northerly route which turned out to be steeper than the typical one past climbers take. This was ill advised and ended up with several moments of high exposure scramble.
Summit at 2-2.40pm
Descent was via the typical route and went quickly with little exposure
Return back towards Meadow 3 miles w/full packs camp along the way at 9,700' arrive 5.30pm
Total for the day 10.3 miles 3,097' sum ascent 2,921' sum descent 2,410'

Depart 9.25am
Arrive at pass 10.35am
Return to trailhead 12.50pm
Total for the day 8 miles 3,850 sum descent


LincolnB - Sep 30, 2018 12:22 pm Date Climbed: Sep 29, 2018

From Monache Meadows  Sucess!

Attempted from Sage Flat a few years ago but failed due to an unexpected snowstorm. This time I came in from Monache Meadows, which is an easier climb - the trailhead is appx 2,000' higher and 3 miles closer to the summit than Sage - but a much tougher drive. The last few miles are on the Monache 4x4 trail, which has some very rough spots - I managed to get through with my Subaru Outback but would not drive it again except in a real OHV.

There was water at only one spot - a small stream flowing across the PCT at about 9,700'. Note that you won't cross this if you come through Bear Trap Meadow.

On the return I was tempted to leave the PCT at 10,100' to shortcut down Monache Creek - it looked doable - but was deterred by gunshots from deer hunters below.


xbaghat - Sep 4, 2018 10:06 pm Date Climbed: Sep 2, 2018

thirty-two 3000prom  Sucess!


Ben FR - Jul 2, 2017 4:35 pm Date Climbed: Jun 17, 2017

Beautiful conditions  Sucess!

Amazing, clear conditions. Virtually no snow on the PCT, and small patches on the scramble.


Romain - Nov 4, 2016 6:32 pm Date Climbed: Nov 2, 2016

West Slope in November  Sucess!

Nice trip in early November. Strong winds and cold temps in the morning, pleasant otherwise. Water was an issue but thanks to recent precipitation we were able to find a running trickle in a streambed below Bear Trap Meadow. Trip report


dpsiebert - Sep 5, 2016 11:51 pm

Sage Flat  Sucess!

A beautiful fall hike.


ScottWhitneyBound - Jun 1, 2015 2:37 pm Date Climbed: May 30, 2015

First Time  Sucess!

A group of 8 first-timers summited after a grueling climb with heavy packs to a campsite above 10,000'.

Water resupply was a significant challenge and will likely get much more difficult by next weekend unless it rains. For a two-day outing like ours, I recommend carrying at least 7 liters unless you're certain there will be resupply available (not likely that you could be certain though). I carried 6 liters, but it was not quite enough without resupply.

Water sources (all of which might be gone by next weekend):
1. Snow patches near the summit of Olancha Peak, mostly on the northwest slope
2. Spring near WA0722 at 36.23203, -118.12203 (this is the best source)
3. Stagnant spring filled with algae near WA0728 at 36.29629, -118.13047


jdmorehouse - May 26, 2015 1:36 pm Date Climbed: May 24, 2015

Last Cool Day  Sucess!

The end of a cool spell, it rained the day I got to Sage Flat and snowed on the summit above. I ran into snow about 10,000' and it was pervasive from there to the summit. A 30% chance of snow showers were predicted, and when the clouds came in and obscured the peak, I got a little worried. It did snow some on the summit, but not a lot, although the clouds did obscure the views. I ran into a couple dozen PCT hikers, mostly coming through in ones or twos, all headed north. It was a fine day on the mountain.


colinr - Apr 18, 2015 5:28 pm Date Climbed: Apr 9, 2015

Sage Flat to Olancha Pass to PCT  Sucess!

Day hike with 2-12 inches of patchy snow above 9,000 feet as the main water source besides a disgusting trickle in Gomez Meadow. Snow is long gone now.


brichardsson - Apr 15, 2015 6:34 pm Date Climbed: Apr 12, 2015

long trip  Sucess!

pct via olancha pass via sage flat.


soslaw - May 10, 2014 10:23 pm Date Climbed: May 10, 2014

Via Sage Flats  Sucess!

Except for some isolated patches the trail is snow free. Downside there was only one water source about 1.5 miles north of the wrangler's camp bisecting the PCT and it won't last long.


mengbo - Mar 23, 2014 11:01 am Date Climbed: Mar 22, 2014

From Sage Flats  Sucess!

Day hike and it was a long day (13 hours round trip, 8 hours up and 5 hours down). Still snow here and there, had to break the trail and especially after reaching the pass.


theflyingmountaineer - Nov 17, 2013 4:08 am Date Climbed: Nov 10, 2013

Beautiful autumn summit  Sucess!

Hiked in from Sage Flat the day before and camped at the PCT junction. There was no water on the mountain during our ascent so we wound up melting snow for drinking. The weather was impeccable and views from the top were all I heard them to be. Excellent summit day.


royanderson - Mar 9, 2013 10:32 pm Date Climbed: Jul 13, 2009

Sage Flat  Sucess!

A quick unplanned trip with my brother Ed.


orbitor - Jan 28, 2013 4:59 pm Date Climbed: Sep 29, 2012

From Sage Flat via PCT  Sucess!

This is a hard dayhike, but it's even harder when you drive from LA in the morning, summit, then drive back the same evening... The trail to Olancha Pass is so dusty, one in the group was coughing black phlegm for a week after. The summit scramble takes a lot of discipline, particularly when done late in the afternoon and on tired legs. Views to die for at the top.


seano - Oct 9, 2012 3:18 pm Date Climbed: Oct 8, 2012

From Sage Flat  Sucess!

A nice, moderate day before the snow was supposed to arrive. Leaving the trail too soon added some work. Trip report.

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