Bunga Achilles' Heel Gel Pad


Bunga Achilles' Heel Gel Pad
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Bunga Achilles' Heel Gel Pad
Manufacturer BungaPads
Page By Dow Williams
Page Type Jul 29, 2005 / Jan 27, 2007
Object ID 1378
Hits 7864
The Bunga Achilles' Heel Gel Pad is used to reduce and absorb shock, vibration, pressure and rubbing from the back of your heel and Achilles' tendon. The gel cushion will reduce redness, soreness and tenderness. This pad equalizes pressure and reduces pain caused by footwear particularly on any irregular heel bump or blister. This pad fits easily in your footwear and skates and is held securely in place with a no-slip thin stocking. Washable and Reusable.



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Dow Williams - Jul 29, 2005 7:03 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
My heels suffered some permanent damage on a climb early in my career and unfortunately I live on these things. I first tracked them down in a dance studio. Ballerinas use them. I climb 160,000'+ per year and need solid protection, this product does the trick. I finally found the source, BungaPads, and now save considerable vs buying from a retailer. This company makes tons of other gel pads to protect what is ailing you. Of course they do wear out. I buy 3 or 4 pair at a time. Cheers.

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