The trailhead is La Estacion located in Aloasí. Use the directions from the main page in order to arrive.
From La Estacion there are a number of small dirt roads to be navigated on foot. There are many ways to pass through this area but the most important thing to keep in mind is that you want to pass along the right of the big rectangular block of pine trees that are visible on the slopes above you.
From La Estacion continue along the road for a short distance with the mountain on your left. Turn left toward the mountain along the next dirt road. From here let common sense guide you upward. Keep you eyes on the pines and try to pass them on the right via dirt roads and along fields. You should not have to bushwack.
You will be able to see the large switchbacks above you of a somewhat overgrown road. You will be using portions of that road above the pines.
Route Description
Above the pines begin looking for steep use trails that cut most of the road switchbacks. You have a lot of altitude to gain on these steep grassy slopes before you even see your final objective.
When you crest the steep lower slopes you will be on a much more gentle incline with the crater rim above you. There are three main dirt tracks in the area that ascend a gentle basin to the rim. The rightmost is used by the Filo Una Hora route. Depending on your exact route up you will using the leftmost which ascends a gentle grassy ridge or the middle which goes up the center of the basin. Any of the three trails head to the saddle to the right of the summit.
At the saddle turn left and ascend the rim to the summit. Expect a combination of hiking and light scrambling. Staying close to the rim allows for more travel over solid rock rather than sand and gravel.
When you top out, be aware that the actual highest point is a little further along the rim. Travel just a little further along a sometimes narrow rim a little further to claim the summit.
It is a good 6 hours to the summit and 3 to 4 hours to return.
Essential Gear
All one needs for this route is standard hiking gear.
Do not underestimate the time needed for this route. It is a long walk with plenty of vertical. Start early.