Senior Wall

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 37.91874°N / 120.47007°W
Additional Information Route Type: Sport Climbing
Seasons Season: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Additional Information Time Required: Half a day
Additional Information Difficulty: 5.8 - 5.10c
Additional Information Rock Difficulty: 5.10 (YDS)
Additional Information Number of Pitches: 1
Sign the Climber's Log


Unclipping  Depends  - Senior WallClimber - Jonmeek16 Photographer - Tborn
Senior Wall is perfect for the 5.10 climber. It has some awesome routes approx 60-70ft. It's steep and fun. However it's the furthest away from the parking lot so doesn't see as much traffic as the more popular Grotto Area. The approach is about 30min depending how fast you walk. Allow a little extra time as the first few times as the 3rd class scramble from the Table Mountain Summit down the otherside can be tricky.

Getting There

Senior Wall Directions 2Map to Senior Wall from Parking Lot

From the parking lot, go through the first white gate and take the trail to the summit of Table Mountain. The trail is well maintained. Make sure you don't miss the sharp left about 1/4 mile up the trail. This will start to incline and go up switchbacks to the summit.

Senior Wall DirectionsSenior Wall Map

Once on the summit look to your right (west/southwest). Look for this mountain with two bumps. Head there. DO NOT WALK ACROSS TABLE MOUNTAIN TO THE OTHER SIDE YET. Hug the rim that faces the lake until it curves north. Keep your vantage point fixed on the mountain with two bumps. Other sites have referenced three oak trees in the distance. One of those trees is still standing tall, middle one is dead, right one is small and not seen.

Senior Wall Directions 3

Tyler up Senior WallTyler up Senior Wall

Once you get to about where the trees are, look for the obvious downward descent. You can't miss it. It starts as a small gully. Go down a ways, then vere right, then back left, then right. There is no fixed pro and some of the moves are exposed. Watch for loose dirt and rocks. When on the bottom of this, continue to head right (west/southwest). About 20-30ft and you'll be at the base of Depends and Assisted Living.

Route Description

Senior Wall TopoSenior Wall Topo


.5 Final Evaluation 5.10b*

1. Aztec 5.10a*

2. Senior Moment 5.10a*

3. Fat Don't Fly 5.10b**

4. Luc Skywalker 5.10c*

5. Walking Shadow - 5.10c*

6. Senior Project 5.10b*

7. Senior Citizen 5.9b*

8. Leukacyst 5.9 (Girdle Traverse, ends at Luc Skywalker anchors)

9. Assisted Living 5.9**

10. Depends 5.8

Essential Gear

Sport Climbing. Quick Draws and a 60m rope. Bring some sunscreen, hat and glasses as you'll be in the afternoon sun.



Parents refers to a larger category under which an object falls. For example, theAconcagua mountain page has the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits' asparents and is a parent itself to many routes, photos, and Trip Reports.