

A Little About Me

My enthusiasm and love for this rewarding sport can traced all the way back to the spring of 1995 when I was just 11 years old. Me, my Father and a few family friends of ours hiked the Mount Sterling Ridge Trail in the Smoky Mountains National Park in North Carolina. Considering the close proximity of the Appalachian Mountains to my home in Northwest Florida, it's no surprise that I've spent the past 2 decades hiking around the back country of North Carolina and Tennessee. In retrospect, this was an ideal stepping stone to aid in the progression of my skills and experience (practice makes perfect). Several of my closest friends also share the same passion and commitment as I do for this sport. Believe it or not, there are in fact avid mountaineers residing throughout the Sunshine State! However it's safe to say my friends and I are apart of a VERY small minority (especially when it comes to the popularity of hunting and fishing in this area). Nevertheless, thanks to the service expansion of Frontier Airlines (pardon the shameless promotion, lol) from Denver to Pensacola, I can now travel to the Rockies much more consistently. As a result, I hope to gradually improve upon my climbing resume' over the next few years. In the summer of 2017, I had the privilege of hiking a section of the Devil's Causeway Loop in the Flattops Wilderness Area of Northwest Colorado with a good friend of mine. It was definitely a worthwhile/interesting trip to say the least (I'll elaborate more on the interesting portion once I piece together a trip report). If you'd like to organize a trip (work schedule permitting), drop me a line if you feel like it, the whole reason that I signed up was to hopefully build a reliable network of contacts both domestically and internationally! A Little More About Me: I've earned 2 degrees. A B.A. with a major in Communication from the University of South Alabama and an M.A. in Integrated Marketing and Management Communication from Florida State University. I've been surfing since I was 16 and I'm also a black belt in Israeli Krav Maga.

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