Stoddard Peak is a small peak that rises high over the lower San Antonio Canyon watershed. It has tremendous views of San Antonio Canyon and of Mount San Antonio itself. It is a fun steep cross country hike very near the cities of Upland and Claremont. It is relatively brush free from recent fires. Stoddard Peak is also on the Lower Peaks list of the Sierra Club. Other nearby peaks are
Potato Mountain,
Sunset Ridge,
Colver Peak,
Frankish Peak,
Windy Point, and BM La Verne.
Getting There
Take the 210 Freeway to Basline offramp in Claremont. You want to head west on Baseline to the first light interesction, Padua Ave. Turn right onto Padua and go north, towards the mountains, for about 2 miles to the lighted Mount Baldy Road intersection. Go right onto Baldy Road and continue for about 2 miles reaching Shinn Road on the right. Take the right and drive downhill and pass the Lower San Antonio Fire Station. Find parking on the many turnouts in the area.
Southridge Route:
From the parking turnout (2500ft.) just south of Lower San Antonio Station hike steeply up the prominent ridge due east. Once upon this sharp ridgeline continue north and gain Peak 4324 in a steep mile with a elevation gain of 1824ft. From Peak 4324 the ridge descends 300ft. north into a shallow saddle and then gains about 600ft. to the summit of Stoddard. Gain the rock outcrop and sign in.
Round trip is 4 miles, and elevation gain is around 2700ft.
Red Tape
You will need a Adventure Pass to park at the turnout. Adventure Passes are available at many gas stations in Claremont and Upland.
External Links
For more information on the
Lower Peaks List of the Sierra Club.
Go to San Bernardino National Forest for
current conditions.