Discover 30 Meter


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Discover 30 Meter
Manufacturer Edelweiss
Page By Martin Cash
Page Type Mar 1, 2003 / Mar 1, 2003
Object ID 688
Hits 6193
The Edelweiss Discover 8.5mm x 30M dynamice rope offers lightweight protection for glacier & snowfield travel. Great as a backup for randonnee skiing, scrambling, or any activity where you don't usually carry a full size climbing rope, but require an extra margin of safety!

Number of factor 2 falls - 6

Impact Force - 6.50KN

Static Elongation - 5.0%

Weight Per Meter - 48g

Total Weigt - 3.17 lbs.


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Martin Cash - Mar 1, 2003 12:15 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
I use this rope for alpine mountaineering for two and three person rope teams. It is treated double dry, and has specifically been designed for running belays and glacier work in an alpine environment. The rope is lightweight and coils nicely around an ice pack. It is rated for 6 falls, and I'm glad mine has 6 left on it. Excellent alpine rope for a team of 2 or 3.

Do not use for rock climbing

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