Platinum Peak, located by the Crystal Mountain Ski Area is home to amazing views of Mount Rainier and neighboring peaks. The mountain itself located to the east the ski area is a great winter destination provide avalanche conditions are very low. The views from this summit in winter are breathtaking on a decent day with nearby Mount Rainier showing its dominance and Mount Adams dominating the skylight to the south. Even Mount Stuart to the northeast can come into clear view from the summit of Platinum Peak. The view from the summit of Platinum Peak as well as its close proximity to the ski area and low amount effort for the great summit (6 miles; 2500 feet of elevation gain) makes this mountain a wonderful peak to go to.
The best way to reach Platinum Peak is from Bullion Basin. When you arrive at the ski area, walk to the left (east) of the main lodge. From there take a number of roads up to the Bullion Basin Trailhead. Once on the trail take the Bullion Basin trail all the way up to Bullion Basin which is at the elevation of 5800 feet. From there make the YDS 2 snow climb/bushwhack up to the summit. Be aware in winter you will be crossing open 45 degree slope that could become hazardous in high avalanche danger. Try to go straight up from here if safe. Going to the ridgeline and then traversing to the summit in winter caused me traverse an even steeper avalanche slope where a slip could cause a fall of over 800 feet. If climbing this peak in winter, an ice axe, traction devices and snowshoes are absolutely required. You will encounter steeper slopes and variable snow conditions even on the best of days. Once on the upper, more level section of Platinum Peak, head directly to the summit where terrific views await.
Getting There
VIA THE CRYSTAL MOUNTAIN SKI AREA: From Enumclaw take 410 east for 33 miles until just before reaching the gate of Mt. Rainier National Park. In winter this road will be gated just passed the Crystal Mountain Road. Make a left on Crystal Mountain Blvd (7190) (paved) go roughly 6 miles to the main ski area.
Note: In summer you can take the F. S. R. road roughly 1.8 miles from the ski area and take it up to the Bullion Basin Trailhead at 4800 feet. The road is rocky and steep (4WD highly recommended) and a Northwest Forest Pass is required.
Red Tape
No fees required at Crystal Mountain to park. However you must stay off the established ski trails at all times.
In summer if you take the F.S.R. 410 trailhead you will be required to have a Northwest Forest Pass.
It is required that if you plan on camping in the backcountry and park at the Crystal Mountain Ski Area that you check in at the Ski Patrol before planning any overnight trip and park only in the designated lots that they give you.
External Links
The best page to find local weather and local conditions on Platinum Peak and neighboring mountains in the region.
The beast website for trip report on Platinum Peak and other Cascade Mountains in the region.