This climb is on the Main Wall, see approach on Zig-Zag. The route starts to the left of the top of Zig-zag's first pitch, and just below/left of the two vertically aligned slab bolts on "Cat from Outer Space." To get there, climb either the first pitch of Zig-Zag and go left at the top of the dihedral, or climb either of the three short 5.7 routes to the left of Zig-Zag's start.
Route Description
Climb a poorly protected slab straight up 15'(or veer right and clip the two lowest bolts on "Cat...") until you are beneath a large rightward-trending roof. Climb the crack at the base of the roof/overhang. This thing eats up pro, medium hexes, large nuts, and small tricams work very well. The top bulge that must be overcome to reach the 2nd belay on Zig-Zag is the crux. It helps to use long slings to keep the rope from dragging in the crack as the route curves upward to the bealy ledge. This route is great for learning trad leaders, as the pro choices are infinite, the route is sheltered and usually fairly dry, the crux is protectable, yet there is a definite sense of exposure. There are anchors at the 2nd belay ledge, which is also the start to "Undercover." See Picture under "Zig-Zag."
Essential Gear
Selection of trad gear .5"-2", and long slings.
Miscellaneous Info
If you have information about this route that doesn't pertain to any of the other sections, please add it here.