MONT VELAN or V'LAN (3734m)
S-SW FACE (Molline/Menouve)
Frontally from left:
W Crest or Hannibal's Crest Aug. 31th, 1779, ( Laurent-Joseph Murith and Génoud), in ascent, by W Slope and in superior part from quota 3400 metres around; in descent and in integral 1826 (Abbots D'Allèves and Marquis);
S-SW Slope to Saddle about 3640 meters, in ascent b14)- . Sep. 04th, 1901, (Guido Cibrario, Franco Viale and swiss Mountain Guides Daniel Balley and Omer Balley).
SW Face Superdirect route in ascent and crossing of all summitals small dômes (3678, 3670, 3734, 3708, 3672 metres), in day from Prailles (1500 metres about). Sep. 06th, 1973, (Osvaldo Cardellina and Renzo Botti);
SW Face Direct Route, in descent. Oct. 31th, 1970 (Gino Buscaini and Silvia Metzeltin Buscaini);
NW Wall of Quota 3708 meters, in ascent and in day from Quaye Alp (1600 metres about). Jul. 27th, 1997 (Osvaldo Cardellina, lone);
Western Wall of Quota 3708 meters variant on a small pillar of the more Western Face of Quota 3708 meters (not signed in photo, but between 1997 in high under the Quota 3708 meters and b15); with ascent in day from Quaye Alp (1600m~) Always by initial approach with the same routes of ITALIAN SKI-MOUNTAINEERING ROUTE. Aug 31th, 1999 and in day (Osvaldo Cardellina, solo)
W-SW Couloir of Quota 3708 meters), at the Double North Saddle 3650/5 metres around , in descent b15)- . Sep. 03th, 1872 (H.J. Leaf, Walter Leaf ) with swiss Mountain Guide Hans Baumann and Valtournanche Mountain Guide Daniele Bich;
West Face of Quota 3672 metres toward the Double South Saddle 3647/50 metres around, in ascent b15bis)- . Jul. 15th, 1902 (Agostino Ferrari, Edoardo Garrone with Valtournanche Mountain Guide Cesare Meynet);
SW Wall of Quota 3650 meters, in descent. Sep. 06th, 1973, (Osvaldo Cardellina and Renzo Botti);
S-SW Ridge of Quota 3650 metres to the Faceballa Saddle 3280 metres, in descent. Jul. 27th, 1997 (Osvaldo Cardellina, lone).
S-SE FACE (Comba Berruard/By Basin)
Side on right (East):
from Faceballa Saddle 3280 metres to S-SW FACE, above Berruard Comba/By Conca or Basin, in right (East):
Little Saddle 3450 metres about, S-SW Ridge and S-SE Wall, in ascent (c1bis)- , not marked and not traced in photo). Oct. 31th, 1970 (Gino Buscaini and Silvia Metzeltin Buscaini);
S-SE diagonal Gully and S-SE Great Couloir, in ascent c1ter)- . Jul. 15th, 1976, (Osvaldo Cardellina, "Gigi" Gadin and Faustin Savoye)
S-SE Face, Western Great Couloir, in descent c1)- . Aug. 16th, 1890 (Ellis Carr, William Martin Conway, F.M. Devies) with swiss Mountain Guides Hulrich Kaufmann and Joseph Marie Lochmatter.
In ascent, by Faceballa Saddle, Jun. 14th, 1904 (Abbots Pantaléon Bovet and Maria Joseph Henry ).
In winter and in ascent and in day from Champillon Alp! (2050 m), by Faceballa Saddle, Dec. 28th, 1904 (Abbot Pantaléon Bovet, Evanzio Blanc and Maria Joseph Henry and Jaccod). In descent, by integral S-SE Western Great Couloir towards Doues!! (1251 m).
Antonio Giani