3000'ers of the Pyrenees

3000'ers of the Pyrenees

France/Spain, Europe
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It happens in every mountain range: the most attractive summits can always be classified in two categories. Either the most beautiful mountains or the highest ones. They sometimes belong to both categories, but not always. The highlight of the Himalaya and the Karakorum are the eight-thousanders. Just 14 main summits and a number of secondary shoulders and spots. There are also the andean six-thousanders, all ruled by Cerro Aconcagua from its almost seven thousand meters, the alpine four-thousanders led by the white glimmering dome of Mont-Blanc... and the three thousanders of the Pyrenees. Not as high as mount Everest, not even half as beautiful as the peruvian Cordillera Blanca, obviously not the highest mountains in Europe. But the highest summits of the Pyrenees. 212 summits as a whole. 11 main groups can be considered, and their highest points are(west to east):
1. Balaitous-Picos del Infierno
2. Vignemale
3. Monte Perdido
4. La Munia
5. Neouvielle-Pic Long
6. Culfreda-Bachimala
7. Posets-Eriste
8. Clarabide-Perdiguero-Boum
9. Maladeta-Aneto
10. Besiberri-Comaloforno
11. Pica d'Estats

Area 1: Balaitous-Infierno-Argualas

The first three thousanders of the Pyrenees when coming west to east are placed in the valley of Tena. There are two main massifs in this group:
- On the border between France and Spain, the massif of Balaitús and Frondiellas. Served by the mountain huts of Respomuso (Spain) and Arremoulit (France).
- The area west of Baños de Panticosa shows all other three-thousanders in this sector, their highlight being the three summits of the Picos del Infierno. No high huts in this area, just the one called "Casa de Piedra" and placed at Baños de Panticosa, but I heard there's a project to move it somewhere else (perhaps somewhere on the trail towards the Ibones de Bachimaña?).
The main accesses to the spanish side of the mountains are made by the road to Baños de Panticosa and the GR11 trail towards the Collado del Infierno, or by the dam of La Sarra and the valley of Aguas Limpias towards the Hut of Respomuso.


Balaitous from Tebarray over...
The Picos del Infierno over...
Picos del Infierno


A1 Balaitous-Infiernos-Argualas Meters
001 Balaitous 3.144
01 Torre Costerillou 3.049
02 Aguja d'Ussel 3.022
03 Aguja Cadier 3.022
04 Frondiella N 3.062
002 Frondiella 3.071
05 Frondiella Central 3.055
003 Frondiella SW 3.001
004 Gran Facha 3.005
005 Infierno Occidental 3.073
006 Infierno Central 3.083
007 Infierno Oriental 3.076
008 Arnales 3.006
06 Aguja Pondiellos 3.011
009 Garmo Negro 3.051
07 Algas N. 3.032
010 Algas 3.036
011 Argualas 3.046


 Gran Facha with Vignemale...


The peak of Frondiella (left)...


Area 2: Vignemale

Placed on the very border between France and Spain, the huge massif of Vignemale forms a fortress hosting the second biggest glacier in the Pyrenees and witnessed some of the first historic climbs in this range. Lady Lister signed the first succesful climb of Grand Vignemale via the south face and some years later Count Henry Russell would turn this beatiful massif into some kind of a "country house", renting it for 99 years from the town council of Cauterets and getting locals to dig some caves for his own use and that of his friends. The main huts serving this area are the french ones of Bayssellance and Oulettes de Gaube. The spanish mountain hostel of Bujaruelo might also be a help, though placed a little bit apart from the main routes.
Just a word on terminology: it's not usual to find these names, but in some maps Vignemale might be marked by the old spanish terms of "Viñamala" or "Comachibosa". 

Vignemale Massif´s North Face...
Vignemale north face
The Couloir from the descend...
Couloir de Gaube


Area 3: Monte Perdido

The area around Monte Perdido forms kind of a three legged fork, centered by the summit of Marboré. From this point a long ridge goes west towards the area of Vignemale, offering the climber summits such as the Picos de la Cascada, the Torre, the Casco or Taillon. The easternmost arm of this fork is formed by the summits of Grand Astazou and Petit Astazou, linking with the Area of La Munia. It is, nonetheless, the southern arm the one that offers a bigger number of three-thousanders: it includes Cilindro de Marboré, Monte Perdido, Soum de Ramond (Pico de Añisclo) and a number of secondary summits such as the Baudrimonts, the Punta de las Escaleras or the small Pitón SW del Cilindro. A magic kingdom for summitbaggers, indeed. One more thing: the main guarded huts in the mountains are those of Góriz (on the west slopes of Monte Perdido) and Sarradets (just north of the Brèche de Roland). The sector of Pineta and the Astazous has got no guarded huts and therefore calls for better equipment if you foresee a night in the open.  

View of the summit of Taillon...
Mt. Perdido as viewed from...
Monte Perdido

Area 4: La Munia

The Massif of La Munia is quite an unknown area for most people. Its north side overlooks the french Cirque de Troumouse, easily reachable from the villages of Gavarnie or Luz-St Sauveur. The south (spanish) side is also quite isolated, and hides the beautiful lakes of La Munia and the Pico de Robiñera. The closest spanish village is Bielsa, and the normal route to La Munia from the south begins from the beautiful valley of Pineta

Ibones de la Munia and Peña Blanca
Panorama from Robiñera


A4 La Munia Meters
040 Pico Heid 3.022
041 Pico de Troumouse 3.085
042 Sierra Morena 3.090
043 La Munia 3.133
18 Pequeña Munia 3.096
044 Robiñera 3.003



Area 5: Néouvielle-Pic Long


Up to my knowledge, this is the only Pyrenees massif with three-thousand meter peaks fully placed in french territory.

A5 Néouvielle-Pic Long Meters
045 Pic de Néouvielle 3.091
046 Ramougn 3.011
047 Trois Conseillers 3.039
048 Turon de Néouvielle 3.035
049 Pale Crabounnouse 3.021
19 Punta Réboul-Vidal 3.007
050 Bugarret 3.031
051 Dent d’Estibère Male 3.017
052 Pic Long 3.192
20 Aiguille Tourràt 3.014
21 Maubic 3.058
053 Badet 3.160
22 Aiguille Badet 3.135
054 Maou 3.074
055 Campbieil 3.173
056 Estaragne 3.006


Area 6: Culfreda-Bachimala

This might easily be the most unknown area of the three-thousanders of the Pyrenees. Access is not easy from any of the two sides of the border. The closest spanish villages are Plan and San Juan de Plan, linked to Bielsa and Aínsa by a narrow road of about 14 km. The north face of these massifs can be reached from France via Arreau, Loudenvielle and Tramezaygues(that is, on the western slopes of the Col de Peyresourde). The only guarded hut in the spanish side is Biadós, and there's another one (unguarded) at the close-by (to the west) valley of Tabernes.

Plan and Bachimala
A6 Culfreda-Bachimala Meters
057 Lustou 3.023
058 Culfreda 3.034
23 Culfreda NE 3.032
24 Culfreda Central 3.028
059 Pico Puerto de la Pez 3.018
060 Pico de la Pez 3.024
061 Abeillé 3.029
062 Pico Marcos Feliú 3.057
063 Punta Ledormeur 3.120
25 Pequeño Bachimala 3.061
26 Punta del Ibón 3.100
064 Bachimala / Pico Schrader 3.177
065 Punta del Sabre 3.074


Area 7: Posets-Eriste

Posets, the second highest summit of the Pyrenees, forms the central nucleus of a wide massif. Placed south of Perdiguero, southeast of the Maladeta Massif and east of Bachimala, it includes 13 main summits and 5 secondary summits over three thousand meters. And the best news is that the closeby Maladeta Massif sometimes concentrates the bigger crowds in these areas (this may be related to the presence of Aneto over there). Therefore, Posets and its surroundings offer beatiful (and not too crowded) climbs of almost every difficulty level.
Main Trailheads: Benasque, Plan.
Main huts: Refugio Angel Orús, Refugio de Estós, Refugio de Biadós. 

Ibón de Llardaneta and Forqueta
The Pico Posets , the second...


A7 Posets - Eriste Meters
066 Pico de los Veteranos 3.125
067 Pico de los Gemelos Ravier 3.160
068 Posets 3.375
069 Pico de la Paúl 3.078
27 Pico inferior de la Paúl 3.073
070 Bardamina 3.079
071 Diente de Llardana 3.085
072 Tuca de Llardaneta 3.311
28 Tuqueta Roya 3.273
073 Las Espadas 3.332
074 Pavots 3.121
29 Tuca del Forau de la Neu 3.076
075 Forqueta 3.007
30 Diente Royo 3.010
31 Forqueta SE 3.004
076 Beraldi 3.025
077 Gran Pico de Eriste 3.053
078 Eriste Sur 3.045


Area 8: Clarabide-Perdiguero-Boum

The Valley of Estós is probably the area where the biggest number of three-thousanders concentrate in the Pyrenees. Its entrance is placed a very short way north of Benasque, and a (private!) dirt road runs along most of the valley floor giving an easy access to the Refugio de Estós.
Main Huts: Refugio de Estós

Gourgs Blancs from Spain,...
Gourgs Blancs
Crabioules East
The east face of Perdiguero...
A8 Clarabide-Perdiguero-Boum Meters
079 Clarabide 3.020
32 Clarabide Occidental 3.008
33 Clarabide Oriental 3.012
080 Gías 3.011
081 Pico Saint-Saud 3.003
082 Camboué 3.043
083 Gourgs Blancs 3.129
34 Punta Lourde-Rocheblave 3.311
35 Torre Armengaud 3.065
084 Pico Jean Arlaud 3.065
085 Pico Belloc 3.008
36 Belloc central 3.006
37 Belloc Sur 3.007
086 Spijeoles 3.065
087 Pico Gourdon 3.034
38 Pico Audoubert 3.045
088 Seil dera Baquo 3.110
39 Cap dera Baquo occidental 3.097
40 Cap dera Baquo oriental 3.103
089 Pico Portillon de Oô 3.050
41 Pequeño Pico del Portillon 3.110
090 Perdiguero 3.222
42 Hito W del Perdiguero 3.176
43 Hito E del Perdiguero 3.170
091 Grand Quayrat 3.060
092 Pico Lézat 3.107
44 Aguja Superior de Lézat 3.069
45 Aguja Central NW de Lézat 3.058
46 Aguja Central SE de Lézat 3.037
47 Aguja Inferior de Lézat 3.023
48 Punta Lacq 3.010
49 Punta Mamy 3.048
093 Crabioules Occidental 3.106
094 Crabioules Oriental 3.116
095 Punta de Lliterola 3.132
50 Aguja de Lliterola 3.028
51 Tuca de Lliterola 3.095
52 Aguja Jean Garnier 3.025
53 Tusse de Remuñé 3.041
54 Pico Rabadá 3.045
55 Pico Navarro 3.043
096 Pico Royo 3.121
097 Maupas 3.109
098 Boum 3.006

Area 9: Maladeta-Aneto

Maladeta range from Port de Vénasque

Maladeta and Aneto, the Montes Malditos. The "Damned Mountains". The massif where the highest peak of the Pyrenees can be found, a massif where beatiful granite builds high peaks and rock spires, where some of the big glaciers of the Pyrenees are placed.
Main Huts: La Renclusa


The peak of Vallibierna over...
Pico de la Maladeta
La Maladeta
Pico de Aneto
Pico de Aneto
SE slope of Pico de Araguells
Patricia Lorenzo aproaching...
Tempestades Ridge
A9 Maladeta-Aneto Meters
099 Pico de Alba 3.118
56 Gendarme de Alba 3.054
100 Diente de Alba 3.136
58 Muela de Alba 3.118
58 Punta Delmas 3.170
101 Tercer pico occidental de la Maladeta 3.185
102 Segundo pico occidental de la Maladeta 3.220
103 Pico Le Bondidier 3.185
104 Primer pico occidental de la Maladeta 3.254
105 <b%">Pico de La Maladeta 3.308
59 Pico Collado de la Rimaya 3.265
60 Pico Abadías 3.279
61 Gendarme Schmidt-Endell 3.335
106 Pico Maldito 3.350
62 Aguja Haurillon 3.075
63 Aguja Cregüeña 3.043
64 Aguja Juncadella 3.021
107 Pico de Aragüells 3.037
108 Punta d’Astorg 3.355
109 Pico del Medio 3.346
110 Pico de Coronas 3.293
111 Aneto 3.404
65 Tuca del Collado de Coronas 3.286
66 Punta Oliveras-Arenas 3.298
112 Espalda de Aneto 3.350
67 Aguja Daviu 3.350
68 Aguja Escudier 3.315
69 Aguja Franqueville 3.065
70 Aguja Tchihatcheff 3.052
71 Aguja Argarot 3.035
113 Pico de Tempestades 3.290
72 Punta Brecha Tempestades 3.274
114 Pico Margalide 3.241
73 Forca Estasen 3.028
74 Gendarme-Torre de Salenques 3.111
75 Primer resalte de Salenques 3.127
76 Segundo resalte de Salenques 3.148
115 Pico Russell 3.207
77 Punta Brecha Russell 3.192
116 Tuca de Culebres 3.062
78 Russell SE 3.205
79 Aguja Russell Superior 3.146
80 Punta Russell Oriental 3.034
81 Aguja SW de Russell 3.029
117 Pico de Vallibierna /Vallhiverna 3.067
118 Tuc de Mulleres 3.010


Area 10: Besiberri-Comaloforno

Main Huts: Refugio Ventosa i Calvell

Summit seen from La Raconada
Punta Alta


A10 Besiberri - Comaloforno Meters
119 Besiberri N 3.014
120 Besiberri del Mig N 3.002
121 Besiberri del Mig S 3.003
122 Besiberri S 3.030
123 Comaloforno 3.033
124 Pico Celestin Passet 3.002
125 Punta Alta 3.014

Area 11: Estats

The south face
Pica d'Estats
A11 Estats Meters
126 Pico de Sotllo 3.072
127 Montcalm 3.077
128 Pico Verdaguer 3.131
129 Pica d’Estats 3.143
82 Punta Gabarró 3.115
83 Rodó de Canalbona 3.004



External links

The valley of Benasque: I don't know wether it really is the most complete web guide to the valley of Benasque, but it sure is a good one. Might be helpful if you plan to do some climbing in Areas 7, 8 or 9 (from Posets to Maladeta-Aneto). The only thing is... I have only found spanish language information, sorry about that.

Additions and CorrectionsPost an Addition or Correction

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eza - Jul 11, 2007 10:52 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Maupas

OK, I already made the changes in the list to link directly to it.

Rafa Bartolome

Rafa Bartolome - Aug 7, 2007 3:08 am - Voted 10/10


la altura de Aguja Argarot es 3035m, has repetido los 3052 de la Tchihafcheff


eza - Aug 7, 2007 9:10 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Argarot

Corregido, muchas gracias. Estás en todo...


visentin - Mar 12, 2009 9:28 am - Voted 10/10

I'd rename it

into the SP language, English : "3000's of the Pyrenees" (without é with accent)

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Children refers to the set of objects that logically fall under a given object. For example, the Aconcagua mountain page is a child of the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits.' The Aconcagua mountain itself has many routes, photos, and trip reports as children.



Parents refers to a larger category under which an object falls. For example, theAconcagua mountain page has the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits' asparents and is a parent itself to many routes, photos, and Trip Reports.