Perdiguero & Literola's ridge
Benasque's valley, located in the nature reserve of Posets-Maladeta we find three big ranges full of beautiful and high summits of more than 3000 meters; they are the ranges of Maladeta, Posets and Gourg-Blancs/Perdiguero. The range of Maladeta contains the Aneto, which is the highest and more popular peak of all the Pyrenees but the other two ranges also are very frequented specially in summer for containing the highest second mountain (Posets) and one of the most attainable, the Perdiguero, with big view of landscape of other ranges difficult to overcome.
The massif of Perdiguero it's in the border with the French
valley of Luchon and it has the entry in Granges d'Astau near of the village of Bagnéres de Luchon. Its ascent from this side it's longest (6h to summit with 2100m of slope) but present a good stage in the Refuge du Portillon (4h from the trailhead) to spend the night the previous day.
In spite of not presenting technical difficulty in summer, its ascent is long, more than 5 hours in its Spanish normal route, as what it must not despise and to have a good physical condition to climb to this mountain. The final section is a characteristic pile of big blocks of granitic stones that needs effort and concentration to climb. A nice remuneration to this effort is the view and the previous visit to Literola's lakes where it crosses the normal route.
As curiosity, the peak Perdiguero is the highest point on the French department of
Haute-Garonne (border France-Spain in the summit)
First climb: in 1850 by T.Lézat and J.Redonnet.
Other summits
The Perdiguero is the highest point of this range but contains a lot of summits:
Secondary summits of Perdiguero: Hito Este (3170m), Hito Oeste (3077m), Tuca de Literola (3095m), Pico Royo (3121m), Punta de Literola (3132m), Aguja de Literola (3028m), Perdigueret (2839m).
Others main summits of range Perdiguero/Gourgs Blancs: Clarabide (3020m), Gías (3011m),
Gourgs Blancs (3129m),
Spijeoules (3067m),
Seil dera Baquo (3110m), Pico del Portillon de Oô (3050m),
Picos Crabioules (3110m, 3116m),
Lezat (3107m),
Quayrat (3060m),
Maupas (3109m), Boum (3006m).
Getting There
For approach to valley of Benasque and to known more about the other ranges of the valley you must see the pages of
Posets and
Red Tape
No permits required. The Perdiguero is in the Natural Reserve of Posets-Maladeta with your rules. No restriction to access to the trailhead of normal route in the road to Hospital de Benasque (from Hospital it's restricted the circulation of cars in summer and you must take the bus to La Besurta to climb the Aneto).
When To Climb
Summer is the normal epoch: june to september.
In winter it's complicated and the final ridge is exposed with snow.
All the same of
Posets and
Mountain Conditions
Web page of Barrabés's shop
Meteo France
I.N.Metereology of Spain
External Links
visentin - Apr 29, 2009 2:47 am - Voted 10/10
Perdiguèrethe french name is Perdiguère; you could also add Perdiguere without accent in the query search field