East from Mott Peak. Mt. Diablo with Briones Peak the high point to it's right. Briones Regional Park is a lovely area of ranchlands, valleys and rolling hills with ponds and wildlife in the SF Eastbay. These 2 little peaks are the high points in the park. I decided to put them together on one page because they can easily be done on the same dayhike and on their own don't have much significance. Briones Peak (1,483') has trees obstructing the southeast views but outstanding views north out over San Pablo Bay and Suisun Bay west of the Sacramento River Delta as well as Mt.Diablo to the east. Treeless Mott Peak, 1,424', is more centrally located in the park and has better all around views.
This peak is named for
William Penn Mott (1909-1992) one of the most influential directing founders of the California Parks Foundation who lived in the Bay area most of his life.
Getting There
Trail from Reliez Valley Road T-head Briones Regional Park has numerous trailhead routes coming from all sides. Here I'll cover the one I did, Reliez Valley Road from the east and the Alhambra Valley Road from the north. There are little free map boxes at these trailheads that come in real handy.
Reliez Valley trailhead: el. 300', From Hwy. 24 take Pleasant Hill Road north .9 miles to Reliez Valley Road on the left. Go north on Reliez Valley Road 2.4 miles to trailhead parking on the left across the road from Gloria Terrace. Beware "tireteeth" on the exit (left) side of the gated entrance.
Take the fireroad trail west up past the water tower 1 mile to a valley like trail junction with a few large oaks. Take the Blue Oak shortcut trail going up a ravine .3 miles to where it connects with the Spengler Trail. Take the Spengler Trail .3 miles up to a T and go right on the Table Top Trail. Continue up the steep Tabletop Trail .4 miles to a gated junction with the Briones Crest Trail. The views from this open area (approx. 1,400') are outstanding, especially
Mt. Diablo. Take the Briones Crest Trail west a few tenths mile to a use trail going northeast a few yards to Briones Peak.
For Mott Peak follow the Briones Crest Trail west another half mile to the Briones Road Trail. Go left .2 mile then go right on the Lagoon Trail. Go .56 miles west on the Lagoon Trail past the Toyon Trail on the right and on up to the Mott Peak Trail junction. Hike up just to the left to 2 highpoints. The named peak (for some reason) is the lower one to the southwest.
Alhambra Valley Road: el. 320', From the Park Office take the Pine Tree Trail .2 miles to a T. Go right .1 mile and take the Toyon Canyon Trail to the right. Follow the Toyon Canyon Trail 1 mile to a junction. Continue to the left another .6 miles to the Lagoon Trail. Go right up .3 mile to the Mott Peak Trail junction. Hike southwest about a tenth mile to the 2 peaks. Mott Peak is the named one just to the southwest.
For Briones Peak follow the Lagoon Trail .3 miles back to the Toyon Canyon Trail. Go another .3 miles to the Old Briones Road Trail. Go left .1 mile than right (east) on the Briones Crest Trail about a half mile. Watch for the use trail going up to the left a few yards to Briones Peak.
Red Tape
Ground squirrel by the trail Hawk on the way to Mott Peak Park gates are open during hours posted.
Bicycles only on designated trails and fireroads.
Dogs on leash in any posted area.
Swimming and wading only in permitted areas.
Plants animals and natural features protected by law.
No fireworks
No fires
West from Briones Peak Camping is not permitted in District parklands without a permit.
For East Bay Regional Parks camping info
click here.
Current weather and 5 day forecast
Mt. Diablo from Briones Peak For current Pleasant Hill Weather and forecast
click here.