About 3 miles north of the northernmost point of Loch Lomond, Beinn Chabhair (pronounced Ben Cah-vair) is listed as by the Scottish Mountaineering Council as Munro no. 244. It is among the most southerly group of Monros, standing alongside Glen Falloch over which it commands an excellent view. It stands close to Beinn a'Chroin and An Caisteal, so for the hardened Munro bagger, if climbed in Summer the three can probably be done in a single day, although this is probably best not attempted as the nights draw in.
The climb is fairly straightforward but quite rewarding and fun. The most common route begins from the car park of the Inverarnan Hotel, or from the Camp Site at Beinglas Farm. For the first travel north along the road for about 300 yards until the turning to Beinglas Farm. Cross the bridge towards the farm then follow they yellow West Highland Way markers which bring you to the camp site. Cross the stile at the back and then climb steeply alongside the Ben Glas Burn waterfall. At the top of this a path leads along the side of the burn into a wide and very boggy corrie.
Continue following the burn until you reach a large lochan around which the body of the mountain curves. then ascend very steeply to the north east up onto the ridge. This ascent involves a fair amount of scrambling at some points. From here follow the line of the ridge to the summit. This route undulates quite sharply and be warned there is a small cairn some distance before the summit so on days with bad visibility don't be fooled into thinking this is the top.
On a clear day the view from the top can be spectacular, looking all the way down Loch Lomond to the South with several other Munros in the area visible all round.
Getting There
From Glasgow take the A82 north to Inverarnan and park in the hotel car park here.
From Edinburgh or from the north make your way to Crianlarich. Note there is a nice little cafe on the centre platform of the rail station here which is open from 7 in the morning and a good place to get some breakfast. Then turn onto the A82 south through Glen Falloch again until reaching Inverarnan.
Red Tape
None to speak of. Avoid going through Bienglas Farm, follow the West Highland Way markers instead to by-pass it. They allow you to pass through at certain times of the year, but just to be polite best not.
When To Climb
Climbing is fine all year round.
The camp site at Beinglas Farm is right at the foot of the trail. Rooms are available in the Inverarnan Hotel which is similarly close.
Beinglas Farm - 01301 704281 - open March to October - was £4.50 per night recently.
Mountain Conditions
In winter the mountains will be snow-covered, crampons and ice-axe are recommended. The rest of the year the corrie is very boggy (I went down a bog-hole up to my waist on the descent) so take waterproof gear and a good pair of gaiters. There are some fairly narrow sections on the ridge so be careful in high winds. Just past the summit is a nice sheltered spot which makes a great lunch stop.
Weather conditions can be checked on the following websites:
www.btconnect.com/geoffmonk/mountain/ (You may need to be registered to access this)
Avalanche information can be found at:
There are phones scattered around the highlands which give up to the minute information on areas where stag stalking is taking place. Information on the locations of these phones can be found at: