This Mountain is rarely climbed and is usually done with Sitgreaves Mountain. It is on the eastern Flank of Sitgreaves. From The Forest Service Road Hike up Forest service road 388 until you reach the end of it. Once you reach the end of it hike up a ridge on your right. This is a very step climb. Once you reach the top of the ridge follow it until you reach the peak. The View up there is not the best. The trees block most of your view. From hear you can hike Sitgreaves Mountain or hike back down. The summit log is on an envelope in a bottle put up there by a hiker.
Getting There/ The Route
From Flagstaff take I-40 west until you get to exit 171. Take Fr. 75 for about 2 miles. The first mile is paved. Then take Fr. 74 around Bald Mtn. Take a sharp turn left up Fr 833. Park at the bend of 833. The Forest Roads get rough. You will see a road and a small ridge heading to the mountain. Hike up that road until it ends. Once it ends, hike up a steep ridge on the right and follow it until it levels out, then hike up the gentle slope to Peak 9,004. From there you can either go back to your car or hike Sitgreaves Mtn.
Red Tape
Free for all to climb.
When To Climb
Summer, May-Sept. It can be hiked any time snow is not present. Snow Blocks the roads to the base of the mountain.
Camping is allowed anywhere.